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Norway highest spender on streaming content

 Latest News    12/11/2019  Print
Norway highest spender on streaming content
Norwegian households have the highest spending on TV and streaming in the Nordic countries, according to the Mediavision consultancy.
While the popularity of streamers continues, the traditional pay-TV companies have also held their position.
Including the TV licence fee, Norwegian household pay an average of NOK 510 (€50) per month for video. It’s the highest figure to be measured by Mediavision, and significantly higher than their Nordic neighbours.
Marie Nilsson, CEO of Mediavision, says the majority of households in Norway currently have both traditional pay-TV and one or more streaming subscriptions. Just over 55% of Norwegian households have a subscription to at least one streaming service.
It’s anticipated that Netflix will gain the most new subscribers in 2019 in absolute numbers, while Dplay is growing fastest.