KEF, the commission for the evaluation of the public licence fee for ARD
and ZDF, aims for the public broadcasters to terminate the SD
distribution of their TV channels on Astra (19.2° East) for DTH
satellite households in mid-2020.
The channels would continue broadcasting in HD only. The move presented
in KEF’s 21st report is mainly associated with cost savings.
According to KEF, ARD and ZDF are taking part in a ’round table’ on the
future of satellite broadcasting under moderation of the media
authorities. One of the topics would be the question when the parallel
transmission of TV channels in SD and HD can be discontinued, the
commission writes in its report. “There is now hope that such a step
could be possible on the part of public broadcasters by mid-2020.” KEF
therefore no longer recognises the financial needs for SD satellite
broadcasting in the second half of 2020.
While SD switch-off on Astra would be relatively straightforward for the
public broadcasters, the situation is more difficult for commercial
broadcasters. The HD versions of their channels are not freely
available, but part of the encrypted, subscription-fee based HD+
At present, however, less than 20% of German HD satellite households
subscribe to HD+. The vast majority of households are satisfied with the
unencrypted, free SD versions of RTL, Sat.1, ProSieben and other
commercial channels. SD switch-off would therefore result in serious
reach losses for commercial broadcasters – with corresponding effects on
advertising revenues.
With Diveo from the M7 Group, there is now a second provider offering
subscriptions to the HD versions of the commercial channels on Astra.
German platform operator Media Broadcast is also expected to enter this
market with Freenet TV Sat. It remains to be seen whether the new
players will boost subscriptions and thus clear the way for the
commercial broadcasters’ SD switch-off.