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How To Install ( IPTV.SH ) List On ENIGMA 2 (( WITH Putty ))

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How To Install ( IPTV.SH ) List On ENIGMA 2 (( WITH Putty ))
Dear Customers

You can install IPTV.SH With this method..

1- First , Download putty in google search ...
2- Second ,
Installed putty.
3- open putty .
4- typing host name : local ip address for box
5- Connection type setting : Telnet
6- Enter
7- Username and password entered ( user and pass : root )
Copy the URL Enigma 2 iptv.sh config ( your account )
Example full link:

wget -O /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh "http://grandiptv.myftp.org:8000/get.php?username=grand&password=grand&type=enigma22_script&output=mpegts" && chmod 777 /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh && /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh 9- Past on putty ssh

9- Past on putty ssh
10 - Enter /
Wait for it to be installed

Note :
You can see video guide in youtube :

Best Regards.